Saturday, April 24, 2010

Matters of heart; and mind.

Alright, this feels a bit different. I’ve been putting in some latest news stuff but the heart’s been egging to write something completely off-the-topic. I have written a lot for other automotive sources but this feels different. I am writing as an independent motoring journo, in a blog of my own. The heart is in a tussle against the blood pressure rate; but it gives a satisfying feeling. There are butterflies in the tummy; but I am not uneasy. And I don’t know if any of that made sense.

Anyway, I’ve decided that I will not be talking about how the decision of writing as an independent journo came to mind, although I really want to! So what should I be talking about then? I am thinking hard, still.

Well, I guess thinking about a topic to discuss hasn’t really worked too well with me, so I would just share with you what we blokes were talking about at a café while sipping Darjeeling’s best and noting down things to do in the near future.

Being motoring chaps, you’d guess, we always just talk about things automotive. No, not really. Not always, at least. This fine day, we were discussing everything from the crazy situation in the country because of the Naxalites, IPL controversy, the ban on using mobile phone while driving, the desperate requirement of nuclear-based power supply etcetera etcetera.

And it was after discussing all this that Harry (a complete nutcase for us and a contributing journo for you) sat back with a sudden rush of speed. We all stared at him to figure out if he was alright. We looked at our watches to see if the dials were at 12 o’clock (he wears a turban, so you get the connection); but no, he surely wasn’t looking cross-eyed and it was already about an hour and half past midnight. And as we got done with our respective reactions, he spoke.

Apparently, he’d seen a nice looking example of a classic, retro-chic Buick somewhere recently. And ever since then, he’s longing to own a classic car; or something similar that would set him apart from the usual crowd of our hatchbacks and sedans.

As for the rest of us; well the girls of the group are thinking of investing in nice little small cars while the other chaps are confused between buying an entry-level sedan or opting for a relatively hotter hatchback. Spoilt for choice, then, right? To make things better, talks of a small SUV cropped up too (enter the discussion about Premier Rio; but I shall leave for a later occasion).

Me? Well, I have some grand plans. Or so I think.

I have this concept of a real classic-looking, intimidating and a capsule of sheer power and control that I want to do someday. Someday soon enough at that. I want it to look like the Aston Martin V8 Vantage of 1977. That will be perfect. Not as bulbously obvious like the mid-60s Camaro or Mustang but still be able to hold its own in a very gentlemanly fashion.

I want to get hold of a properly maintained Contessa (I want a rear-wheel-drive layout) and alter the plumbing to fit in a decent 2.0-litre straight-six G-series Toyota engine of 1979. If not that, a more recent (2007) AZ-series motor that Toyota produced for Scion tC. This would be sweet. A 160 bhp, 2.0-litre unit mated to a six-on-the-floor shifter on a car that would, I reckon, weight just a tad over 1.1–1.2 tonne. The plan is to shorten the chassis, reinforce it, somehow try to get the engine-gearbox-chassis marriage right and live happily ever after. Then there is also a vague plan of doing a hardcore 4×4 that would maintain a decent – rather basic or essential – level of luxury. Something better than a Maruti Gypsy in all aspects but almost just as cheap. High hopes, eh!

But all this is only a rough structure on paper. We need to get things sorted, bring some value to the blog, do some decent work in terms of content and then venture out into the zone of undiluted madness. And we’ll take you along with us.

It is 11 minutes past three in the morning and we all have got an early morning so I better hit the sack. Will come back and scribble here some more later on. Do write in if you have something to add. Or if you are just pure excited with the ideas shared. Or even if you think we are plain junkies who have taken leave from their senses. See ya’ll later!


  1. Ashish

    Dude I don’t know the coincidence in this blog or that we think alike on a certain level…

    The stuff you are talking is like a dream for me too. Even I wanna get hold of a decently maintained HM Contessa and make modification to make it a bit bulbous if that’s what the they call it. Coz frankly speaking I don’t have the balls n nickels n dime to own a true Camaro but I love the feel of the old one…

    Things on my mind are make the Contessa a two door for instant give it a full chrome rear n front fenders, change the chassis like you said to increase the front area to rest a much bigger engine for the raw power to excite n thrill every time I rev up…. And it cant be without the racing stripes

    Should look something like this

    p.s : On the front of the Technical specs n finding vendors n guys who will make this dream come true, am sure you ll have to be the Man I ll lay my hands on …

    keep it coming

  2. Hey Sanket, we do indeed have similar dream-cars pictured to perfection in our minds, don't we? The Contessa will a close-to-perfect option for you, as the rear of the Contessa is already quite similar to what you want. As for making it a two-door, that can be done by two means - sealing off the rear with a solid metal sheet or chopping down the chassis and doing a complete body from ground-up. If I am correct, the overall design you have in mind would look like this: with the front being similar to the Chevelle in the link given by you. As for mechanical and technical things, it's going to be quite an extensive job and will require quite a bit of dough :-)



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