Friday, April 30, 2010

Merc E63 AMG - shockingly orange!

Mercedes-Benz has an AMG division. They churn out ultra powerful, ultra mad, tuned versions of regular Mercedes' products. With this, they’ve crossed all levels of stupidity. Well, it’s not their fault really – it’s the customer’s! Guys at AMG have come up with this – a Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG. What’s wrong with that? Nothing, apart from that revoltingly idiotic orange paint job! Now, I like AMGs – they are honest-to-goodness cars that offer ballistic performance. The engines get a heavy dose of power and the body gets some trick aero packages to help keep the car in check. I’ve seen shocking things from AMG, but they’ve been shocking in a good way; never nauseatingly bad. This one – this one is just that.

What was the customer thinking about when he’d asked the AMG division to fix him this paint on a decent car like E63? I guess he would’ve seen the 2011 BMW M3 in orange livery and got inspired, or simply he was too fond of his orange ice candy bar. I really like the BMW M3 in that orange colour – makes it look substantially meaner than it really is. But it just does not look good on a Mercedes. Mercs are more gentlemanly to look at, and this colour, simply put, spoils it. It’s just wrong! What do you think? Check out the pictures below and try to compare the M3 with E63 AMG. Which one looks better?

Pic Source for Merc: Auto Guide

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