Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Volvo can get rid of your allergies

Now that summer is settling in well and proper, many of us would already be aching in discomfort. I don’t quite know why – and I have experienced this first hand – but the dust levels are higher in summers than in cooler months. Probably metro-geo-bio-logists have an answer for that, but I am a normal human being and I would not know why such phenomena occurs. During spring, it’s pollen that gets on people’s nerves, and in winter – well it’s the cold. But I am not here to rabbit on about how we should save the environment or preserve our health. I am here to talk about an unusual promotional release that caught my eye, by Volvo. And since it’s a Volvo, you’d have guessed by now that it must be about safety and well being. And you’d be right.

"The filters we fit to clean the passenger compartment air also remove the particles that cause allergies. A ride in a car can actually make breathing easier for many sufferers when the problem becomes acute," says Andreas Andersson, manager of allergy-optimised car interiors at Volvo Cars. Now that statement is rather expected of Volvo. But can you imagine a company having a department of allergy-optimised car interiors? It’s things like these that make Volvo so strange!

The filters have two primary jobs – one of them blocks particles and the other is impregnated with active carbon, which neutralises gases. Now, I suffered with so many yawns till this point that I did not care beyond this. There was something about automatic ventilation system, and the textiles used in all the company's models that meet the stringent Öko-Tex standards, while the leather upholstery is entirely free of chromium. I did not even know what Öko-Tex standard was until then! Anyway, this was it really. And I don’t even know why I wrote this piece because I’ve not been able to derive anything out of it. Perhaps I was too baffled and invest time to explore the extent of madness behind Volvo’s method. Who’ll know, for I am still scratching my scalp.

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