Friday, April 30, 2010

Tata launches Indica Vista Drivetech4

Tata Motors has launched an all-new Indica Vista range, the Indica Vista Drivetech4, with a host of new features and a thrilling driving experience, to take the encouraging market response to the company’s new generation car to a new high.

The BS-4 compliant Indica Vista Drivetech4 has a specially designed Eurotech gearbox perfectly mated to the Vista Drivetech4 Quadrajet diesel and Safire petrol engines. It ensures higher torque at low RPMs, minimal vibration, precise gear shifting, longer engine life and cooled exhaust gas recirculation for lower emissions. All these together result in superior handling, exciting zip and a never-before driving experience. The same degree of refinement and driveability is also being offered on BS-3 engines.

Audi India appoints new Heads for Marketing and After-sales

Audi, the German luxury car manufacturer, today announced the appointment of Mr. Clemens Ollmert as Head of Marketing and Mr. Gerhard Pretorius as Head of After-sales. Commenting on the appointments, Mr. Benoit Tiers, Managing Director, Audi India said: “Audi India has witnessed strong growth since its inception in India. Our sales figures for the first quarter of this year have also been impressive. We are confident that these strategic appointments will not only enable us, but also lead us in achieving our goal of becoming the leading luxury automobile brand in the Indian market”.

Merc E63 AMG - shockingly orange!

Mercedes-Benz has an AMG division. They churn out ultra powerful, ultra mad, tuned versions of regular Mercedes' products. With this, they’ve crossed all levels of stupidity. Well, it’s not their fault really – it’s the customer’s! Guys at AMG have come up with this – a Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG. What’s wrong with that? Nothing, apart from that revoltingly idiotic orange paint job! Now, I like AMGs – they are honest-to-goodness cars that offer ballistic performance. The engines get a heavy dose of power and the body gets some trick aero packages to help keep the car in check. I’ve seen shocking things from AMG, but they’ve been shocking in a good way; never nauseatingly bad. This one – this one is just that.

BMW pre and post Bangle

BMW has just launched the new 5 Series in India, so we guys got talking about things BMW. Chris Bangle. Oh no, please; be quiet. Give me a bit of a moment, people. Let me at least speak a little. This is how hard I had to try and talk about BMW. Yes, it was not Bangle I wanted to talk about, but about BMW. However, the one thing I did wrong was, start with the iniquitous-for-many ex-designer at BMW. We were just sitting – an Aston Martin supporter, a Mercedes buff and me – a guy who has a viewpoint for everything, every auto-maker. I don’t quite have a favourite. No, seriously, I don’t. I like Ferraris. I like them in the same breath as I like Lamborghinis. All cars are equal for me. Well, almost. Some are more equal than others. But I have no favourite. Oh, I am deviating from the point. Again.

BMW most valuable auto-maker; Toyota slips

Toyota has been falling apart, what with all the global recalls and millions of dollars in compensation. It’s the biggest auto-maker in terms of volume, but it has lost ground to BMW in value. According to a report by Automotive News, Millward Brown conducted a study which states that Toyota’s company value declined by a massive 27 percent to a little under $21.8 billion. BMW too suffered a decline, albeit a marginal 9 percent and had a total value similar to the Japanese auto giant, at $21.8 billion.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Prototype ML crashes; kills one

There’s been a tragedy. A Mercedes-Benz test driver crashed into a derelict Mazda that had already been in an accident before the Merc driver drove right into it at high speed. The Mazda driver was killed while the 52 year-old Mercedes test driver was seriously injured as the prototype camouflaged ML that he was test-driving rolled some 800 feet on tarmac. This was the third incident in Europe involving Mercedes-Benz test drivers. Last year, there was a report of a Porsche 911 prototype crashing on the Autobahn, killing the 51 year old test driver.

Bajaj working with KTM on 125cc bikes

A few days back, Bajaj increased its stake holding in KTM – the Austrian auto maker – from 31.92 percent to 35.67 percent by participating in a Euro 42.99 million fund-raising exercise. Bajaj coughed up Euro 20 million (about Rs 120 crore). Going back in time, Bajaj placed a big of Rs 300 crore and got almost 15 percent of the Austrian company, which it later increased to 25 percent a year later. The deal done, what makes me get particularly interested is that the two companies have joined hands on developing a 125cc bike that will be manufactured at Bajaj’s Chakan plant.

A Volvo can get rid of your allergies

Now that summer is settling in well and proper, many of us would already be aching in discomfort. I don’t quite know why – and I have experienced this first hand – but the dust levels are higher in summers than in cooler months. Probably metro-geo-bio-logists have an answer for that, but I am a normal human being and I would not know why such phenomena occurs. During spring, it’s pollen that gets on people’s nerves, and in winter – well it’s the cold. But I am not here to rabbit on about how we should save the environment or preserve our health. I am here to talk about an unusual promotional release that caught my eye, by Volvo. And since it’s a Volvo, you’d have guessed by now that it must be about safety and well being. And you’d be right.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Audi-BMW Ad-War: the latest episode

Advertising is a mad world. It’s not friendly. It’s fierce. It’s satirical. And things in the motoring world are just getting worse. Or interesting, should we call it? There have been quite a few automotive manufacturers at loggerheads against each other for quite some time now. The advertising agencies hired are given a simple brief – to hit back at the opposition, as hard as they can, in as effective a manner as they can. That’s it – there is no talk of making the advertisement consumer friendly or any of that jazz. It’s all about getting the better of your rival.

Porsche’s stunning 918 Spyder concept may become reality

Naught to 100kph in 3.2 seconds. Top speed, 320kph. Capable of lapping Nordschleife of Nurburgring in less than 7:30 minutes. Sounds like supercar numbers? They are. Welcome people, to the world of Porsche 918 Spyder. This still-a-concept may well see the light of day. Soon. Wouldn’t that be something! I mean, just look at it. I’ve never really been a great fan of Porsche’s styling department. But this – the 918 Spyder – this looks proper. This look like it means business.

Mahindra interested in buying Ssangyong

Mahindra has, in the past, flirted with Ssang Yong  – the South Korean auto maker. In 2003, when Daewoo went broke, M&M was flexing its arms to buy controlling stake in Ssang Yong. Mahindra pulled out of the deal giving berserk statements that SMC did not fit its plans for international market expansion. Later, M&M was thinking of bringing SMC’s Rexton SUV to India, but that was all we heard of it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mumbai to Delhi like never before

I am a bon vivant. Although not a food fanatic or a food-o-holic, I have penchant for good taste and meals are essential to me. I like wholesome repast that enlivens the epithelium of tongue, only to leave behind burps that stand testimony to the grand and scrumptious meal. I like fluffy cheese omelette and fruits with white bread toasted to golden brown perfection with a rich layer of butter on it as my morning feast. But as it were to be, I was left deprived of anything that could qualify as a good breakfast, that morning.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Toyota Hilux surmounts Eyjafjallajokull volcano

The Icelandic volcanic ash, as we all know, caused havoc, directly in Europe, but indirectly all over the world – flights got cancelled, travellers were stranded, meetings were unable to get to and holiday plans remained just that – plans. Now, the Eyjafjallajokull volcano is at peace with itself. The ash has more or less settled down and the world is gaining its normality back. Amidst all the commotion surrounding the volcanic eruption and its dreadful effects, an epic motoring phenomena took place.

Volkswagen Polo sedan caught testing on road

Volkswagen Polo is a charmer, isn’t it? I think it is. It’s been widely known that VW is working on a sedan version of the Polo. We spotted test mules from the VW family – an Audi A6 station-wagon (3-litre, TDI), a VW Phaeton, a couple of Polos being escort cars and a Polo sedan. Since we were not carrying our cameras, we could not get clear shots of the cars, however, even the phone camera reveals a taut, mid-sized body.

Mazda working on a new RX7; 2-stroke Rotary

I am writing about Mazda for the second time in two days, phew! Not that I am complaining. There are talks in the media about Mazda working on revivification of its erstwhile sportscar, RX-7. Now if the sources are anything to go by, and if Mazda brings out a new RX-7, the car will be powered by a rotary. What’s new in that, you’ll ask? Well, the engine will develop 300bhp or thereabouts and – this is the real trick thing – will be capable of running on either diesel or petrol!

China’s shocking auto designs

There is a famous saying – you learn from your mistakes. It doesn’t hold for Chinese auto makers, it seems. The world has been witness to stupid and fake spin-offs of some of the best cars in the world. Chinese (Geely) even did a car that looked like the Rolls-Royce Phantom! And the act does not stop, even as I write this. At the 2010 Beijing Auto Show, on display were some quite interesting ‘domestic’ cars that were clearly inspired from international products.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I have always maintained my displeasure with Ford. They have quite handsome cars doing business in the international market, showing off Ford’s kinetic design efforts. In India, all we get are products like Fiesta and Figo (let’s not even talk about the million-years-old Ikon and the bread-box of a design, Endeavour). Ford has the stylish Mondeo that it could launch (again) and expect to do decent numbers, then there are Fiesta and Focus sedans that look quite alluring.

Review - Skoda Superb

Since as long as I can recall using the web and reading international motoring mags, I’ve invariably come across satirical mentions of Skoda everywhere. Auto gurus, it is often observed, always ended writing the car off as dreadful, if it wore a Skoda badge. It was some sort of a prejudice; an automotive prejudice. But for a kid in his early teens, it made for an entertaining read, and I started loving what they had to say.

A ride to remember – Chandigarh to Shimla

You can’t really win a battle of words against your partner of the fairer sex. I found it out the hard way. It started with a statement that turned into an argument, which later turned into madness, and then silence. The perfect way to start a Sunday morning? Hardly. But I was greeted by this lovely day in this very way. Lovely day or lethal instead, by the looks of it, you’ll ask. Let’s see…

Mazda - makes sense for India?

I love profiling the automotive industry as a whole. And I have always been inclined on studying and understanding as to which automotive brand has what it takes to make sense for the extremely sensitive and demanding Indian market. According to me, there are a few that make perfect sense for India. One such automotive player that I think will make merry in our land is Mazda. Let me explain why.

Audi's answer to Mini - A1

Until some recent time back, there was not a single example in its line-up belonging to the burgeoning SUV segment. But German auto firm Audi realized the potential and launched the – now much famous and celebrated – Q7. Ever since then this fat, bulbous, heavy-at-the-arse SUV has been the vanguard of segment sales. Other SUVs in the offing are Q5 and Q3. By the looks of it, now the four-ringed firm has become conscious about its presence in yet another lucrative sector – the small-car segment.

Maruti launches new Wagon R

So what do I think of the ‘all-new’ Maruti Suzuki Wagon R? Well, I think it has grown up immensely. Let me be frank about this – I never liked the Wagon R. I hated the odd, boxy styling. I hated the cheap plastic quality. The seats were hilariously unsupportive and then were the ride and handling issues. I would’ve been better off on a boat!

And as much as I’d wanted things to be bad with the new one too, I must confess, things look promising with the new Wagon R. The key to all the improvement is a brand new platform on which the car sits.

Matters of heart; and mind.

Alright, this feels a bit different. I’ve been putting in some latest news stuff but the heart’s been egging to write something completely off-the-topic. I have written a lot for other automotive sources but this feels different. I am writing as an independent motoring journo, in a blog of my own. The heart is in a tussle against the blood pressure rate; but it gives a satisfying feeling. There are butterflies in the tummy; but I am not uneasy. And I don’t know if any of that made sense.

Ferrari cracks the 7-minute Nurburgring barrier with 599XX

Nurburgring has been in the news ever since Nissan laid claim of beating the mighty Porsche 911 with a time of 7 minutes and 38 seconds. The German track is considered Mecca for performance evaluation of cars. Time and over again, leading manufacturers have thrown their cars round the Nurburgring to evaluate the dynamics of their machines. Ferrari has been doing so too. And now, with the 599XX, it has gone insane and done the unthinkable – broken the 7-minute barrier. On April 21, 2010, Raffaele De Simone did a time of six minutes and 58 seconds (06:58.16) at the wheel of a Ferrari 599XX. Enjoy the videos.

Friday, April 23, 2010

BMW stuns with Gran Coupe concept

I loved the looks of previous generation BMW 5 Series. I liked the treatment given to the headlamps, I liked the back side. I liked the overall stance of the 5 Series. With the new one, BMW has simply made it visually softer. The same is with the 7 Series, only a lot worse. The kidney grills are a couple of sizes too big for my liking which makes it look quite strange, in profile. However, as much as I dislike the BMW 7 Series, I love the Gran Coupe. This, for me, is a properly good looking BMW in a long time.

BMW's new X5

A couple of days ago, BMW unveiled the ‘new’ X5, only there’s hardly anything that can brand it as a completely new product. It’s just an update for crying out loud! There are a few aesthetic modifications that are of such a great magnitude that they fall in the ‘barely visible’ category. There’re are other changes too, like – “Optimally enhanced intelligent four-wheel drive technology BMW xDrive and a widened choice of driver assistance systems and BMW ConnectedDrive.”

Hyundai Unveils All-New Verna at Beijing Show

Hyundai Motor Co. staged the world-premiere of its all-new Verna at the 2010 Beijing Automotive Exhibition today. With its eye-catching sloping roofline, the new sub-compact, Hyundai’s third China-exclusive model, projects a coupe-like dynamic image that is at once sporty, stately and futuristic. Developed over a five-year period expressively for the Chinese market, product planners conducted exhaustive market research of Chinese consumer tastes and trends to ensure every detail meets local requirements.

Lamborghini flaunts China Edition Murciélago at 2010 Beijing Auto Show

Italian super sports carmaker Lamborghini surprised audiences at the 2010 Beijing Auto Show with a highly exclusive edition of the Murciélago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce. The Chinese Edition is limited to not more than ten numbered cars and will be offered to the growing group of sports cars collectors in China only. Furthermore the Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera celebrated its Asian premiere on the Beijing auto show.

“Automobili Lamborghini’s strong performance at the 2010 Beijing Auto Show and its launch of a special edition of the flagship Murciélago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce exclusively for the Chinese market

Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is the start of things motoring; and beyond.

It was about five years back that this fun and adventure filled journey started as I tasted the first drop of sweet things to come. I stepped into the dynamic world of motoring-journalism and there’s been no looking back ever since. Of course there were hiccups; but then again, what would an adventurous journey be without minor setbacks? The setbacks only proved to be perfect canvases to paint the grit and determination on.

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